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采用实验生态学方法研究了盐度对长江口缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)、河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)和光滑河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)滤水率、摄食率、同化率的影响。缢蛏组设6个盐度梯度(5,10,15,20,25,30),光滑河蓝蛤组设6个盐度梯度(5,10,15,20,25,30),河蚬组设6个盐度梯度(0,5,10,15,20,25),并测定了此3种滤食性贝类的生物学参数。结果显示,3种滤食性贝类的滤水率、摄食率和同化率随着盐度的上升而增加,当上升到一定盐度时达到峰值,然后随着盐度的升高而降低。盐度20时,缢蛏滤水率、摄食率和同化率达到峰值,分别为0.57L/h、5.38mg POM/h和0.72%。盐度10时,光滑河蓝蛤滤水率和同化率达到峰值,分别为0.46L/h和0.53%,摄食率在盐度15时达到峰值3.80mg POM/h。盐度5时河蚬滤水率和摄食率都达到峰值,分别为0.39 L/h和2.48 mg POM/h,同化率在盐度0时已达到峰值0.51%,并随盐度上升而下降。上述结果表明,盐度对3种滤食性贝类的3个摄食生理指标均有显著影响。  相似文献   
Plastic ingestion by planktivorous fishes in the North Pacific Central Gyre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A significant amount of marine debris has accumulated in the North Pacific Central Gyre (NPCG). The effects on larger marine organisms have been documented through cases of entanglement and ingestion; however, little is known about the effects on lower trophic level marine organisms. This study is the first to document ingestion and quantify the amount of plastic found in the gut of common planktivorous fish in the NPCG. From February 11 to 14, 2008, 11 neuston samples were collected by manta trawl in the NPCG. Plastic from each trawl and fish stomach was counted and weighed and categorized by type, size class and color. Approximately 35% of the fish studied had ingested plastic, averaging 2.1 pieces per fish. Additional studies are needed to determine the residence time of ingested plastics and their effects on fish health and the food chain implications.  相似文献   
为了了解后生浮游动物的摄食作用在太湖夏季微囊藻水华形成中的作用,2009年7月15日至8月14日取太湖梅梁湾湖水开展了后生浮游动物对微囊藻水华形成作用的野外模拟实验.实验期间,未过滤掉后生浮游动物的对照组出现了漂浮在水面、肉眼可见的微囊藻水华,而过滤掉后生浮游动物的实验组没有出现微囊藻水华.结果显示,对照组整个实验期间都有后生浮游动物存在,共发现了9种后生浮游动物;而实验组在实验第6 d发现有后生浮游动物出现,整个实验期间共发现了3种后生浮游动物.浮游动物生物多样性分析显示对照组显著高于实验组.实验后期(21~30 d),对照组微囊藻平均密度显著高于实验组.整个实验期间,惠氏微囊藻(Microcystis wesenbergii)和水华微囊藻(Microcystis flos-aquae)密度均显著高于实验组,且惠氏微囊藻密度占对照组微囊藻总密度的60.79%.研究结果表明,太湖夏季后生浮游动物摄食并不能控制太湖蓝藻水华,相反,后生浮游动物特别是大型浮游动物能促进蓝藻水华的形成.同时表明,后生浮游动物群落结构可能是影响微囊藻水华形成的重要因素.  相似文献   
We investigated the plastics ingested by short-tailed shearwaters, Puffinus tenuirostris, that were accidentally caught during experimental fishing in the North Pacific Ocean in 2003 and 2005. The mean mass of plastics found in the stomach was 0.23 g per bird (n = 99). Plastic mass did not correlate with body weight. Total PCB (sum of 24 congeners) concentrations in the abdominal adipose tissue of 12 birds ranged from 45 to 529 ng/g-lipid. Although total PCBs or higher-chlorinated congeners, the mass of ingested plastic correlated positively with concentrations of lower-chlorinated congeners. The effects of toxic chemicals present in plastic debris on bird physiology should be investigated.  相似文献   
We report the current (1997-1999, 2001) incidence and amount of ingested plastic in short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) in the southeastern Bering Sea and compare our results with plastic reported in shearwaters during 1970-1978. We also examine correlations between plastic loads and shearwater body mass. We found that 84% (N = 330) of shearwaters sampled in 1997-1999 and 2001 contained plastic. The incidence and amount of ingested plastic have not significantly changed since the 1970s. In contrast, the predominant type of plastic has changed over time, from industrial plastic to user plastic. S,asonal patterns in the incidence and amount of ingested plastic also changed from peak levels during early and late summer in the 1970s to mid summer in the late 1990s and 2001. We suggest that the availability of neuston plastic to seabirds in the Bering Sea has undergone a shift in composition since the 1970s. Shearwater body mass appears little if at all impaired by plastic, at least at present levels of consumption.  相似文献   
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that bivalve molluscs routinely ingest zooplankton. To elucidate further these observations, a 15-month study of zooplankton ingestion by farmed mussels was conducted using mussel long-lines in Bantry Bay, Ireland. Stomach content analysis of the mussels showed that there was evidence of zooplankton ingestion throughout the sampling period, but that highest mean numbers of zooplankters were ingested by mussels in the spring and summer months. Various zooplankton species were present in mussel stomachs. Harpacticoid copepods were found more often in stomach contents than calanoid copepods, probably due to their proximity to the bivalves' inhalent siphons. Barnacle cyprids featured in large numbers in stomach contents, but only for a period of 3 months which broadly corresponded with their pelagic phase. Sizes of ingested zooplankton ranged from 126 μm to 6 mm, but more of the smaller zooplankters (e.g. crustacean nauplii) were ingested. When lengths of ingested copepods were compared with those found in plankton net samples, it was found that the net-sampled copepods were significantly larger than those found in mussel stomachs, suggesting that mussels select for smaller categories within the zooplankton available to them. Soft bodied zooplankton was rarely found in mussel stomachs but their absence may be due to rapid digestion or they may have been destroyed in the preservation process. Ingestion of zooplankton by bivalves is discussed in the context of the impacts mussel farms have on resident zooplankton populations.  相似文献   
盐度对菲律宾蛤仔摄食率和清滤率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验室条件下,对15、20、25、30和35五个盐度梯度下菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)的摄食率RI和清滤率RC进行了测定。结果表明,在15~25的盐度条件下,蛤仔的摄食率RI和清滤率RC随着盐度的升高而增大,在25时达到最大值,而在25~35盐度条件下,随盐度的增加而减小。  相似文献   
饵料浓度对中华哲水蚤摄食的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
张武昌  王荣 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):88-94
用饵料浓度差减法和排粪率法研究中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)在饵料(青岛大扁藻、新月菱形藻)浓度从1500到350000个/cm3时摄食率的变化。实验证明中华哲水蚤具有很强的摄食潜力,摄食率在实验饵料浓度范围内一直在增加,在较低的饵料浓度(如青岛大扁藻4000个/cm3)下停止摄食。  相似文献   
外来物种沙筛贝(Mytilopsis sallei)是一种滤食性软体动物双壳类,它有着很快的生长速度和很强的摄食能力.为了探索沙筛贝在不同盐度下对微藻的摄食能力,采用颗粒计数仪,测定了沙筛贝在15、20、25、30、35等5个盐度梯度下对等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)的摄食率,比较了不同沙筛贝个体大小对小球藻的摄食率.结果表明,沙筛贝对等边金藻和小球藻的摄食率均在盐度25时达到最大,分别为3.42×104cells/(ind.h)和6.72×104cells/(ind.h).沙筛贝对等边金藻的摄食率随时间推移而降低,一是因为沙筛贝摄食率随着藻类密度的降低而减小,二是当海水盐度下降,沙筛贝渗透压改变,导致了进入其外套腔的海水体积的减少,从而摄食率也减少.个体较大(壳长2.8~3.5 cm)的沙筛贝对小球藻的摄食率明显高于个体较小(壳长1.7~2.4 cm)的沙筛贝的摄食率,这与其他贝类的研究结果是一致的.  相似文献   
李冬辰  张芳 《海洋与湖沼》2021,52(6):1430-1437
传统研究结果表明水母的捕食者很少,认为它是海洋食物网的死胡同,但是越来越多的研究表明水母存在于很多生物的胃中。为研究生态系统中水母的上层营养级状况以及水母种群动态变化的捕食性影响机制,以黑鲷为研究对象,通过室内实验,研究了黑鲷对海月水母不同发育期的摄食情况。研究结果表明:黑鲷对海月水母各发育期的摄食情况不尽相同,黑鲷无法直接摄食附着在波纹板上的水螅体;黑鲷对碟状体的摄食是吞食性的,15℃条件下黑鲷对碟状体的摄食率最大可达到(15.487±1.150)ind./(g·d);黑鲷对小水母体的摄食是吞食性的,对较大水母体的摄食是蚕食性的,这种摄食能力受自身体长大小和水母伞径大小的双重影响,随着体长的增加,黑鲷能摄食更大伞径的海月水母;黑鲷对给定伞径海月水母的摄食能力存在阈值,增大水母密度,不会导致黑鲷摄食量的增加;高密度下黑鲷更倾向于摄食水母体口腕部分。研究结果为理解海月水母碟状体的高死亡率提供了可能性新认知,为理解胶质类在海洋生态系统中的消亡提供了理论。  相似文献   
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