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Oscillations within an enclosed rectangular harbor and a set of partially opened rectangular harbors with various widths and locations of entrance induced by cubic water surface disturbances with different initial heights and locations are simulated using FUNWAVE 2.0 model. The height and the location of the cubic water surface disturbance refer to its thickness and its relative horizontal position inside the harbor, respectively. The water depth inside and outside all harbors is set to be constant. The aim of this paper is to investigate how different heights and locations of the water surface disturbance and various widths and locations of harbor entrance affect the oscillations inside the harbor. Results show that for the given harbors and the range of the initial height of water surface disturbance studied in this paper, all the response amplitudes of various eigenfrequencies increase linearly with the initial height of water surface disturbance. The variations of the initial location of water surface disturbance along the backwall and sidewall of the harbor can significantly change the transverse and longitudinal oscillation patterns of various modes, respectively. The effects of the variations of the width and location of the harbor entrance on the response amplitudes of various resonant modes both depend on the relative positions of their node lines and antinode lines to the harbor entrance.  相似文献   

Ma  Xiouzhou  Zheng  Zhenjun  Zhang  Xiang  Dong  Guohai 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(1):1-19
Ocean Dynamics - In the studies of harbor oscillations, some modes with extremely narrow amplification diagram are significantly common. An extended mild-slope equation and a fully nonlinear...  相似文献   

The infragravity (IG) period oscillations inside an elongated rectangular harbor near the offshore fringing reef induced by normal-incident bichromatic short wave groups are simulated using a fully nonlinear Boussinesq model, FUNWAVE 2.0. Based on an IG wave separation procedure, this article presents a systematical investigation on how the maximum IG period component amplitude, the bound and free IG waves, and their relative components inside the harbor change with respect to the plane reef-face slope and the incident short wave amplitude under the condition of the 2nd to the 5th modes. For the given harbor and the ranges of the reef-face slope and the incident short wave amplitude studied in this paper, it is shown that both the maximum IG period component amplitude and the free IG wave component amplitude inside the harbor fluctuate widely with the reef-face slope, and their changing trends with the reef-face slope are almost identical with each other, while the bound IG waves inside the harbor seem insensitive to it. Both the maximum IG period component amplitude and those of the bound and free IG standing waves inside the harbor change cubically with the incident short wave amplitude.  相似文献   

Using standard two-scaling techniques we calculate the Eulerian- and Lagrangianmean flows induced at second order in amplitude by small-amplitude, transient, non-dissipative, vertically-propagating inertio-gravity waves on anf-plane. The example is an idealized one, but illustrates a number of important features that are typical of wave, mean-flow interaction in a rotating, stratified fluid. Physical discussion of the solution is given in Section 4 of the review byMcIntyre (1980), which appears elsewhere in this issue.  相似文献   

Ma  Xiaozhou  Zheng  Zhenjun  Zhang  Xiang  Dong  Guohai 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(6):845-845
Ocean Dynamics - In the original article, the first-author name Xiouzhou Ma should be changed to Xiaozhou Ma.  相似文献   

Summary The waves generated by a steadily moving two-dimensional pressure distribution are examined using non-linear shallow water theory. The applied pressure is zero ahead of the disturbance, that is in the downstream direction, and is a constantP 0 in the upstream direction, these regions being joined smoothly by a cubic function.We consider here only the case of supercritical flow in both regions, the solution representing an asymmetric solitary wave travelling with the disturbance. The wave profiles are determined by an iterative method previously employed for non-linear waves. Wave amplitudes and profiles, and the wave drag, associated with each system are computed for various values ofP 0/Q g h, whereh is the undisturbed depth of water ahead of the wave.The solution obtained reduces to the classical solitary wave of finite amplitude when the applied pressure is everywhere zero.
Résumé Nous avons calculé les expressions des profils d'ondes solitaires produites par une pression, qui se propagent sur la surface d'une couche d'eau peu profonde avec une vitesseU plus grande que (g h)1/2. La pression appliquée est nulle en avant de l'onde, elle est une constanteP 0 en arrière, et entre ces deux régions elle est representée par une fonction cubique. Les profils sont calculés par une methode iterative déjà employée pour des ondes non-linéaires. L'amplitude, le profil et la force ont été evalués pour diverses valeurs deP 0/Q g h, ouh est la profondeur en avant de l'onde.

Division of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, National Physical Laboratory.  相似文献   

为了分析台风这类强对流诱发平流层重力波的过程,本文利用中尺度数值模式WRF-ARW(V3.5)和卫星高光谱红外大气探测器AIRS数据对2011年第9号强热带气旋"梅花"的重力波特征进行了分析.首先,针对模式输出的垂直速度场资料的分析表明,台风在对流层各个方向上几乎都具有诱发重力波的能量,而在平流层内则呈现出只集中于台风中心以东的半圆弧状波动,且重力波到达平流层后其影响的水平范围可达1000 km.此外,平流层波动与对流层雨带在形态、位置以及尺度上均具有一定的相似性.其次,对风场的分析结果表明,不同高度上波动形态的差异主要是由于重力波垂直上传的过程中受到了平流层向西传的背景风场以及风切变的调制作用,揭示了重力波逆着背景流垂直上传的特征.随后,基于FFT波谱分析的结果表明,"梅花"诱发的平流层重力波水平波长中心值达到了1000 km,周期在15~25 h,垂直波长主要在8~12 km.最后,利用AIRS观测资料分析了平流层30~40 km高度上的大气波动,得到了与数值模拟结果相一致的半圆弧状波动.对比结果也验证了WRF对台风诱发平流层重力波的波动形态、传播方向、不同时刻扰动强度的变化以及影响范围的模拟效果.此外,也揭示了多资料的结合对比有助于更加全面地了解台风诱发平流层重力波的波动特征.  相似文献   

以往利用地震海洋学方法发现的内孤立波大多是第一模态内孤立波,本文利用地震海洋学方法首次在中美洲太平洋沿岸海域发现了第二模态内孤立波群.通过叠前偏移观察该第二模态内孤立波群细结构的变化,发现位于陆坡上的第二模态内孤立波ISW4在大约50 s的采集过程中,出现反射同相轴分叉、合并以及密跃层中心深度变化.利用共偏移距道集叠前偏移剖面计算的这些第二模态内孤立波视相速度在0.5 m·s-1左右,其视传播方向都是沿地震测线从SW到NE(44°N方向,0°指向北).通过对视相速度误差相对较小的三个第二模态内孤立波(ISW1、ISW3和ISW5)的视相速度进行分析,发现总体上第二模态内孤立波视相速度随着水深的增加而增加,另外一般情况下具有较大最大振幅的第二模态内孤立波的视相速度较大.  相似文献   


The mutual interaction of fields induced by spatially separated potential vorticity sources in a quasi-geostrophic barotropic flow is investigated using the weakly nonlinear approach. It is found that a powerful nonlinear response can be triggered by Rossby lee waves. This resonance phenomenon which dominates all other nonlinear corrections depends on certain global resonance conditions and on the change in the phase of the Rossby lee wave across the distance separating the sources. The response is particularly strong for topographic forcing possessing δ-function characterisitics.  相似文献   

We investigate numerically the kinematic dynamo induced by the superposition of two helical waves in a periodic box as a simplified model to understand the dynamo action in astronomical bodies. The effects of magnetic Reynolds number, wavenumber and wave frequency on the dynamo action are studied. It is found that this helical-wave dynamo is a slow dynamo. There exists an optimal wavenumber for the dynamo growth rate. A lower wave frequency facilitates the dynamo action and the oscillations of magnetic energy emerge at some particular wave frequencies.  相似文献   


以往利用地震海洋学方法发现的内孤立波大多在东沙岛附近,本文在南海海盆东北部首次利用地震海洋学方法发现了海盆中的内孤立波.通过叠前偏移观察该内孤立波细结构的变化,发现内孤立波波形在采集时间段内整体较稳定,内孤立波浅层反射相对深层变化较大.通过改进前人的方法,利用共偏移距道集叠前偏移剖面计算内孤立波视相速度.该方法比直接使用共偏移距道集拟合的共中心点-炮点对曲线线性更好,其计算的内孤立波视相速度为0.82 m·s-1,内孤立波视传播方向为从NW向SE(172°N方向,0°指向北).


Vibration screening effectiveness of a pair of in-filled trenches is numerically studied under conditions of plane strain using PLAXIS 2D in a linear elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous half-space acted upon by a steady-state vertical excitation. Barrier efficiency is analyzed in terms of reduction of vertical and horizontal vibration components with respect to the variations in barrier geometry and in-fill material parameters. The geometric features are normalized with respect to Rayleigh wavelength of vibration in soil. The in-fill trench material is considered to be softer and accordingly assigned lower shear wave velocities than the half-space. Non-dimensional design charts are developed and the key parameters participating in wave screening process are identified. Some recommendations are made regarding the optimal selection of these parameters. Comparison with a few published results shows close agreement. Such an isolation scheme may be advantageous in circumstances where a single trench requires unrealistic depth.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the generation of linear baroclinic Rossby waves by meridional oscillations of a climatological zonal wind stress in a reduced gravity ocean bounded by an eastern coastline. Using a power series technique an analytical solution is derived for the interfacial displacement. It is found that for a given period of oscillation of the zonal winds, a finite number of propagating Rossby waves will be generated with frequencies equal to a harmonic of the forcing frequency. The number of propagating modes increases with increasing period of the wind stress. In addition to the propagating waves the complete solution for the interfacial displacement consists of a rapidly convergent infinite sum of evanescent terms. The displacement field is calculated for atmospheric forcing parameters typical of those found at mid-latitudes. Further, it is shown that a near resonant response can be generated using atmospheric parameter values typical of those found over the North Pacific.  相似文献   


Second order effects due to the presence of a first order free oscillation at a single frequency in a variable depth rotating ocean are examined. It is found that the second order Lagrangian mean velocity (mass transport velocity) satisfies the linearized equations for unforced steady geostrophic motion. This implies that if the ocean basin is laterally bounded and contains no closed geostrophic contours, the second order Lagrangian mean velocity vanishes everywhere.  相似文献   




Cai  Shuqun  Wu  Yuqi  Xu  Jiexin  Chen  Zhiwu  Xie  Jieshuo  He  Yinghui 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2021,64(10):1674-1686
Numerous internal solitary waves(ISWs) have been observed in the southern Andaman Sea. In this study, the two-dimensional Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model is applied to investigate the dynamics of ISWs and explore the effects of the bottom topography and tidal forcing on the generation and propagation of ISWs in the southern Andaman Sea. The results show that the large-amplitude depression ISWs are mainly generated via the oscillating tidal flow over the sill of the Great Channel, and the generation of ISWs is subject to the lee wave regime. The Dreadnought Bank cannot generate ISWs itself; however, it can enhance the amplitudes of eastward-propagating ISWs generated from sill A, owing to constructive interference of internal tide generation between the sill of the Great Channel and the Dreadnought Bank. The eastward-propagating ISWs generated by the eastern shallow sill near the continental shelf can propagate to the shelf, where they evolve into elevation waves because of the shallow water. Sensitivity runs show that both the semidiurnal and diurnal tides over the sill of the Great Channel can generate ISWs in this area. However, the ISWs generated by diurnal tides are much weaker than those generated by semidiurnal tides. Mixed tidal forcing has no significant effect on the generation of ISWs.  相似文献   


以往通过地震海洋学方法发现的大多是第一模态内孤立波,本文在台湾岛以南恒春海脊处捕捉到了两个大振幅凸型第二模态内孤立波.利用叠前偏移剖面得到内孤立波的视相速度约为0.7 m·s-1,其视传播方向沿地震测线从S到N,总体上满足较大最大振幅的波视相速度也较大的规律.地震海洋学剖面得到的振幅曲线观测值和理论方程计算出的第二模态内波振幅垂向变化理论值之间具有较好的一致性.通过叠前偏移剖面观察该内孤立波细结构的变化,发现在采集过程中,出现反射同相轴后翼变陡、分叉、合并的现象.由于密跃层中心偏离水层中心以及背景剪切流的影响,两个内孤立波尾部发育了高频内波,使得能量耗散增强.此外,第二模态内孤立波的生成和传播特征受到水体层结、黑潮、背景剪切流以及海底地形等多个因素的影响.


饱和土中深埋圆柱形衬砌洞室对瞬态平面波的散射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论,运用Laplace变换和波函数展开法,根据饱和土体与衬砌结构交界面的连续条件和衬砌结构内边界上的应力自由条件,得到饱和土中深埋圆柱形衬砌洞室对瞬态平面P波和SV波散射问题的解答,该解答可以退化成为饱和土中深埋圆柱形空穴或弹性夹塞物的情形,并很容易转换成为对稳态波散射的解.通过与已有的相关问题的解析解答进行对比,验证了该解答的正确性.同时利用Laplace逆变换的数值方法,给出了饱和土和衬砌中应力和位移场在时域内的数值解,通过算例,分析了衬砌厚度、刚度对衬砌内边界处应力集中因子的影响.  相似文献   

Land reclamation may have a significant influence on groundwater regimes. Analytical solutions have been developed in the past to study the impact of land reclamation on a steady‐state groundwater flow and transient flow in fill materials, assuming that the reclamation site consists of a single zone of uniform hydraulic parameters. In this paper, we derive analytical solutions to describe the transient water table change in response to multi‐stage land reclamation where the fill material is uniform in each stage but the hydraulic conductivity of the fill material varies from stage to stage. By introducing the method of separation of variables, we develop a transient analytical solution to study the impact of land reclamation consisting of fill material with different hydraulic properties on groundwater dynamics. The results show that the water table first increases significantly into the reclaimed zone following the fill material deposition, and then the increase gradually propagates into the original aquifer. The change of water table in the original aquifer mainly depends on the value of hydraulic conductivity of the fill materials. Examples in this paper illustrate how the aquifer system experiences a long time unsteady‐state flow as a result of the reclamation, and it takes at least tens of years for the system to approach a new equilibrium. It is suggested that for a large‐scale reclamation project, the response of the groundwater regime to reclamation should be carefully studied. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By now, it is well known that long‐period surface waves can induce resonant response in high‐rise buildings, in particular those located in sedimentary basins. Rayleigh wave passage has been reported to induce rocking motion at the base of the buildings which can increase displacement demands significantly. However, the building behavior to base rocking has not been extensively studied because commercially available instruments do not record rotational components of ground motion, and thus, rocking time histories have not been available to the analysts. In a recent study, we proposed an effective method for estimating the rocking associated with Rayleigh waves, which takes into account their frequency‐dependent phase velocities. In the present work, we select a number of recorded seismic motions which include surface waves on sedimentary basins from recent well‐recorded earthquake events. Then, we proceed to identify and extract the recorded surface waves by using the technique mentioned above. Using realistic soil‐structure analytical models that have been proposed in the published literature for high‐rise buildings, we study their response to Rayleigh waves as they respond to both translational and rocking motions. Of particular interest is to compare the response of such structures with and without the presence of rotational motions due to surface waves. Using the roof displacement and the building interstory drift as response quantities, our results indicate that demands are controlled by rotational (rocking) motions associated with Rayleigh waves.  相似文献   

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