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本文利用周期极化磷酸氧钛钾晶体构成的半整块结构简并光学参量振荡器实验制备了连续变量光通信波段低频压缩态光场。光学参量振荡器的阈值功率为210 mW。当775nm抽运光场功率为130 mW时,在分析频段50kHz~900kHz范围内获得真空压缩态光场。在200kHz分析频率处,压缩态光场的最大压缩度达5.0dB;在最低分析频率50kHz处,压缩态光场的压缩度为2.0dB。该低频压缩态光场可为基于光纤的量子精密测量提供量子光源。  相似文献   

压缩态光场平衡零拍探测的位相锁定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张岩  于旭东  邸克  李卫  张靖 《物理学报》2013,62(8):84204-084204
平衡零拍探测是测量量子光场的重要方法之一. 通过对相位灵敏光学参量放大器注入的信号进行位相调制, 然后利用平衡零拍探测系统测量光学参量放大器输出的压缩光. 将相位灵敏光学参量分别运转在参量放大和参量缩小, 通过观察噪声谱中的调制信号就可确定测量的量子光场是正交振幅或位相分量. 通过解调位相调制信号可获得误差信号, 实现锁定平衡零拍探测系统本底光与待测光场相对位相为零(对应于待测光场振幅噪声分量). 关键词: 平衡零拍探测 位相锁定  相似文献   

本文利用简并光学参量振荡器实验制备了光通信波段1.5μm压缩真空态光场,压缩度为(5.03±0.13) d B。将已制备的1.5μm压缩真空态光场和同频率本地振荡光采用偏振复用的方式耦合注入单模光纤中进行传输,在理论和实验上研究了压缩真空态光场在光纤信道传输过程中经典和量子特性的演化,并讨论了本地振荡光在光纤信道中引起的声导波布里渊散射对传输过程的压缩真空态光场影响。实验测量了1.5μm压缩真空态光场在单模光纤中传输距离为8 km时,压缩度为0.14 dB,压缩特性仍得到保持。该研究为实现基于光纤的城域量子信息网络等奠定基础。  相似文献   

压缩态光场是量子光学研究中的一种重要量子资源.在量子信息应用中,压缩态光场的频谱带宽是限制信息传输容量的重要指标.目前,光学参量振荡器是产生强压缩度非经典光场最有效的方法之一.本文通过分析输出耦合镜透射率、线宽、阈值功率对简并光学参量振荡器频谱带宽的影响,实验完成了低阈值(18 mW)、宽频带(84.2 MHz)、高稳定(锁定基线标准偏差为0.32 MHz)量子压缩器的设计.结果表明,相比单共振光学参量振荡器,双共振腔型具有低阈值、高稳定的特点,更适合于宽频带压缩态光场的制备与实际应用.  相似文献   

冯晋霞  杜京师  靳晓丽  李渊骥  张宽收 《物理学报》2018,67(17):174203-174203
音频段压缩态光场是进行连续变量量子精密测量重要的量子资源.本文利用自制的低噪声连续单频671 nm/1.34μm双波长激光器作为抽运源,抽运基于周期极化磷酸氧钛钾晶体的简并光学参量振荡器,进行了光通信波段1.34μm连续变量音频段真空压缩态光场的实验制备.当简并光学参量振荡器运转于阈值以下参量反放大状态时,抽运光场功率为95 mW,本地振荡光功率为60μW时,在分析频率8—100 k Hz范围内研制出1.34μm真空压缩态光场.在分析频率36 k Hz处,压缩态光场的最大压缩度达5.0 d B;在音频频率8k Hz处,压缩态光场的压缩度达3.0 d B.音频段1.34μm压缩态光场可用于实现基于光纤的量子精密测量.  相似文献   

低频标准真空涨落的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
薛佳  秦际良  张玉驰  李刚  张鹏飞  张天才  彭堃墀 《物理学报》2016,65(4):44211-044211
采用自平衡零拍方案, 对低频段的标准量子真空涨落进行了测量. 实验确定了该系统的饱和光功率约为3.2 mW. 在10 Hz–400 kHz的频率范围内, 系统的共模抑制比平均为55 dB, 在100 Hz处高达63 dB, 对激光经典技术噪声具有很强的抑制作用. 当入射光功率为400 μ W 时, 真空涨落噪声达到11 dB. 此低频量子真空噪声探测系统可广泛应用于量子计量和量子光学等研究领域.  相似文献   

连续变量压缩态光场的制备在量子光学和量子信息科学领域具有重要的地位,连续变量多模压缩态光场在多维量子信息传输、量子计算以及高精细度测量等方面存在着潜力巨大的应用前景。本文介绍了该方面的研究现状和国际动态。  相似文献   

采用半经典理论讨论了同一抽运源抽运的两个独立光学参量振荡腔(OPO)所产生的压缩态光场的四阶量子干涉效应.结果表明:在OPO振荡阈值处,输出光场压缩度最高但四阶量子干涉最弱,条纹可见度为33.3%,远离阈值时干涉越来越强. 关键词:  相似文献   

利用自制的1.34 μm和0.67 μm双波长输出单频激光器作为泵浦源,泵浦基于PPKTP晶体的光学参量放大器,通过边带锁频技术将光学参量放大腔腔长锁定在激光频率上,将泵浦光和信号光相对相位锁定在π相位,经参量缩小过程获得低于散粒噪声极限约3 dB的正交振幅压缩光.压缩光位于光纤通信窗口——1.3 μm波段.  相似文献   

基于飞秒脉冲的同步泵浦参量过程产生的多模时域飞秒压缩光场,由于其独特的优势,特别是可以享有单模光纤网络兼容,是实现可扩展量子计算及大容量量子通讯的良好光源。由于无法实现多模时域飞秒压缩光场的空间分离,目前对于多模时域飞秒压缩光场的测量,采用最为有效的平衡零拍探测。因此如何构造与时域飞秒压缩光场时域函数分布相同的本地光,是其中的关键内容,并直接影响测量效果。本文主要理论研究了本地脉冲光的时域整形方案,分析了系统参数对整形后的多模本地光的保真度以及系统调制效率的影响,并结合实验参数提出可能的解决办法。  相似文献   

温馨  韩亚帅  刘金玉  白乐乐  何军  王军民 《物理学报》2018,67(2):24207-024207
基于PPKTP晶体的阈值以下光学参量振荡(OPO)过程,制备了共振于铷原子D1线795 nm的压缩真空态光场,研究了分析频率处于千赫兹范围的主要噪声来源,特别是795 nm激光及其二次谐波397.5 nm激光在晶体内吸收引起的非线性损耗增加和系统热不稳定的问题(397.5 nm激光处于PPKTP晶体透光范围边缘,具有高于其他波长数倍的吸收系数).以795 nm和1064 nm为例,分析了非线性损耗及晶体内热效应对压缩度的影响.受限于以上因素,795 nm压缩光很难得到1064 nm波段同样的压缩度.探测系统中的噪声耦合则限制了压缩频带.实验上对分析频率为千赫兹的经典噪声进行了有效控制,通过使用真空注入的OPO、垂直偏振及反向传输的腔长锁定光、低噪声的平衡零拍探测器、高稳定度的实验系统及量子噪声锁定等方法,最终在2.6—100 kHz的分析频段得到了约2.8 dB的795 nm压缩真空.该压缩光可用作磁场测量系统的探测光以提高测量灵敏度.  相似文献   

司坤  姬晓辉  贾焕玉 《中国物理 B》2010,19(6):64205-064205
By applying the bosonic creation operator to squeezed vacuum states, this paper introduces a new kind of quantum states: photon-added squeezed vacuum states. It also presents an experimental approach to prepare these states, and investigates their quantum statistical properties by the numerical method. The results indicate that these states reveal some interesting non-classical properties, such as anti-bunching effects, squeezing effects and negativities of the relevant Wigner functions.  相似文献   

Squeezed states are one of the most useful quantum optical models having various applications in different areas, especially in quantum information processing. Generalized squeezed states are even more interesting since, sometimes, they provide additional degrees of freedom in the system. However, they are very difficult to construct and, therefore, people explore such states for individual setting and, thus, a generic analytical expression for generalized squeezed states is yet inadequate in the literature. In this article, we propose a method for the generalization of such states, which can be utilized to construct the squeezed states for any kind of quantum models. Our protocol works accurately for the case of the trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential, which we have considered as an example. Presumably, the scheme should also work for any other quantum mechanical model. In order to verify our results, we have studied the nonclassicality of the given system using several standard mechanisms. Among them, the Wigner function turns out to be the most challenging from the computational point of view. We, thus, also explore a generalization of the Wigner function and indicate how to compute it for a general system like the trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential with a reduced computation time.  相似文献   

闫伟  张为俊 《中国物理》2007,16(9):2584-2586
This paper presents a realistic scheme for the teleportation of coherent states in which a two-mode squeezed vacuum state serves as the quantum channel and the position-sum and momentum-difference of two local modes serve as the measuring observables. The average fidelity of the teleportation of coherent states is derived for finite squeezing parameters and it turns out that fidelity greater than 1/2 cannot be achieved by using a classical channel alone and the probability distribution of the measurement result is a Gaussian distribution around the unknown parameter of the input coherent state with a width given by the squeezing parameter.  相似文献   

We present a scheme to prepare cluster-type entangled squeezed vacuum states (CTESVS) by considering the two-photon interaction between a two-level atom and a high-quality cavity, driven by a strong classical field. After the realization of simple atomic measurements, the generation of CTESVS in four separate cavities is accomplished within the cavity decay time. In the case of large atom=cavity detuning, the scheme is immune to the effect of atomic spontaneous emission.  相似文献   

压缩相干态通过参量图像放大系统的光学像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘竹欣  方卯发 《物理学报》2005,54(8):3627-3631
取压缩相干态作为参量图像放大系统的输入像,研究了输出光学像的性质.结果表明:参量 图像放大系统能够控制输出光学像的压缩度和压缩方向,即压缩度的增加与减小和压缩方向 的改变决定于参量图像放大系统的参数选择. 关键词: 参量图像放大系统 压缩相干态 压缩度 压缩方向角  相似文献   

闫伟  张为俊 《中国物理》2007,16(10):2885-2888
We present a realistic scheme for the entanglement swapping of continuous variable, in which a two-mode squeezed vacuum state serves as a quantum channel. The position sum and momentum difference of two local modes are measured. By taking the input entangled state also as a two-mode squeezed vacuum state, we investigate the average fidelity and the von Neumann entropy of the output state. The results show that the perfect teleportation can be achieved by increasing the squeezing of the quantum channel and that any nonzero squeezing in both the quantum channel and the input entangled state is sufficient to swap the entanglement.  相似文献   

张淼  贾焕玉  姬晓辉  司坤  韦联福 《物理学报》2008,57(12):7650-7657
基于非Lamb-Dicke近似下激光-离子相互作用的动力学规律,讨论了如何利用一系列的激光脉冲来驱动囚禁冷离子.从囚禁冷离子的运动基态出发获得压缩相干态、压缩奇偶相干态、压缩真空态等一系列的振动数态的叠加态.结果表明,只要适当地调节各个所用激光脉冲的长度和相位,总能很好逼近所需要的压缩量子态. 关键词: 囚禁冷离子 激光脉冲 压缩量子态  相似文献   

李希曾  苏保霞  柴路 《中国物理》2004,13(12):2058-2063
It is found that the two-mode output quantum electromagnetic field in two-mode squeezed states exhibits higherorder squeezing to all even orders, and the degree of higher-order squeezing is greater than that of the second-order.The higher-order squeezed parameter and squeezed limit due to the modulation frequency are investigated. The smaller the modulation frequency is, the stronger the degree of higher-order squeezing becomes. Furthermore, the higher-order uncertainty relations in two-mode squeezed states are presented for the first time. The product of higher-order noise moments is related to even order number N and the squeeze factor r.  相似文献   

We introduce quasiprobabilities based on the so-called squeezed states to represent the density operator of an oscillator. Such representations become especially useful for oscillators designed to display, strong excitation notwithstanding, pronounced quantum features such as squeezing of the quantum fluctuations of certain observables below the limit characteristic of coherent states.  相似文献   

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