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In this paper, we present a scalable solution for high-resolution surface representation of a 3D surface. To achieve this, we introduce an Orthogonal Unified Buffer (OUB) which is an extension of the Layered Depth Cube as an alternative to the Orthogonal Frame Buffer (OFB). The OUB re-samples the surface uniformly while conserving data locality build on previous approaches. Compared to the OFB, the OUB achieves significant improvement in scalability, which enables further high-resolution representation of 3D models having various depth-complexities. It also guarantees plausible memory efficiency, independent of an object’s shape or topology. Our method is built and performed on the GPU and it only uses atomic operation of modern GPU, thus, it is well suited for real-time application. In addition, since the OUB can be is generally used in various graphics applications, we briefly show high-resolution 3D painting, curvature estimation and particle system based on the OUB.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on realistic rendering of scenes which include turbulent flows. In this respect we suggest solving the Navier–Stokes equations through a simple approach which offers better steadiness than classical methods. Then we adapt a ray‐tracing algorithm to treat convection motions by deflecting ray paths: we obtain effects of rendering through heat. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

雨线的真实感绘制极具挑战性.雨滴在下落过程中会发生快速的震荡,由于光线在其中的反射和折射而具有复杂的光学效果,在人眼和摄像机观察时会产生运动模糊形成雨线.提出一种基于Monte Carlo光线跟踪的方法用于绘制真实感雨线.通过预先对雨滴震荡周期内每个离散时间点的雨滴三角形网格建立加速结构,并利用雨滴运动包围盒与采样光线的相交计算,大大加速了光线与雨滴的相交测试;使用自适应采样技术避免了对图像中每个像素点都使用大的采样数,提高了采样效率,加速了图像的绘制.将本文方法集成于离线绘制器(PBRT)中,生成了具有真实感的雨线图像和雨景动画.实验结果表明,本文方法能真实地模拟雨滴的震荡和光线在雨滴中的多次反射和折射,并能在包含任意类型光源的场景中有效地绘制真实感雨线.  相似文献   

真实感视频雨景编辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用计算机来模拟雨景是影视制作中经常面临的一个课题。目前主要采用的粒子系统方法一般都需要大量的粒子和复杂的物理模型来模拟真实的雨景。提出了一种新的基于图像的方法来实现真实感雨景的绘制。用最小值滤波和改进的Matting算法相结合的方法,从视频中分割出真实的雨幕,然后根据目标场景的光照条件改变雨幕的颜色,最后将其与目标场景融合在一起。实验证明,该方法十分有效。同时该方法是完全基于视频图像的,避免了昂贵的3D场景建模,适合于低成本的影片制作和影视素材重用领域。  相似文献   

Realistic rendering and animation of knitwear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a framework for knitwear modeling and rendering that accounts for characteristics that are particular to knitted fabrics. We first describe a model for animation that considers knitwear features and their effects on knitwear shape and interaction. With the computed free-form knitwear configurations, we present an efficient procedure for realistic synthesis based on the observation that a single cross section of yarn can serve as the basic primitive for modeling entire articles of knitwear. This primitive, called the lumislice, describes radiance from a yarn cross section that accounts for fine-level interactions among yarn fibers. By representing yarn as a sequence of identical but rotated cross sections, the lumislice can effectively propagate local microstructure over arbitrary stitch patterns and knitwear shapes. The lumislice accommodates varying levels of detail, allows for soft shadow generation, and capitalizes on hardware-assisted transparency blending. These modeling and rendering techniques together form a complete approach for generating realistic knitwear.  相似文献   

三维地形场景的真实感绘制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
三维地形场景的真实感绘制追求的两个目标是绘制的逼真度和绘制的实时性,需要在不明显降低图像质量的条件下保持较高的交互帧速率。为了满足实时性的需求,采用连续LOD算法和其它技术来加速地形绘制:为了满足逼真度的需求,采用SAR图像进行纹理映射,采用光照映射实现场景照明和明暗处理。  相似文献   

水力侵蚀地表是现实生活及虚拟场景中常见的一种自然现象。为研究水力对地表 的侵蚀现象,提出一种采用光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)模拟流体对地形表面的湿润以及侵蚀过程 的真实感仿真模型。通过对自然界中真实溅蚀现象进行合理简化描述,建立一种包含 3 个阶段 的地形水力溅蚀模型:首先,利用弹丸冲击平板靶材变形模型模拟水流冲击地表变形效果;其 次,构建基于达西定律的水流渗透量计算方法以确保地表吸水与水分扩散的真实性;最后,提 出将地表湿润度因素对地表侵蚀的影响考虑在内的新型计算模型,实现与冲蚀相融合模拟积水 继续运动对地表冲蚀作用。实验结果表明,该模型能够真实地模拟出不同方向的水流对地表的 侵蚀效果以及侵蚀过程中地表吸水与湿润扩散现象。  相似文献   

温佩芝  朱立坤  黄佳 《计算机应用》2016,36(10):2842-2848
针对具有半透明特性玉石的真实感渲染问题,提出一种利用高光层、漫反射层、透射层三层光照模型叠加的解决方法。首先对散射层结合漫反射剖面来模拟半透明玉石的次表面散射效果,提出一种可改变漫反射剖面的散射方法,表达不同种类玉石漫反射剖面的特点;然后对透射层利用预计算的本地厚度贴图结合高斯线性和,实现基于表面厚度光的透射效果,再在能量守恒的基础上与基于微平面的高光反射项进行叠加,得到一个基于三层光照模型的真实感半透明材质表现。实验结果表明,所提出的方法能实现不同种类半透明玉石真实感渲染,且在片面数达160万时可保证30帧/秒的实时效率。  相似文献   

A new computer haptics algorithm to be used in general interactive manipulations of deformable virtual objects is presented. In multimodal interactive simulations, haptic feedback computation often comes from contact forces. Subsequently, the fidelity of haptic rendering depends significantly on contact space modeling. Contact and friction laws between deformable models are often simplified in up to date methods. They do not allow a "realistic" rendering of the subtleties of contact space physical phenomena (such as slip and stick effects due to friction or mechanical coupling between contacts). In this paper, we use Signorini's contact law and Coulomb's friction law as a computer haptics basis. Real-time performance is made possible thanks to a linearization of the behavior in the contact space, formulated as the so-called Delassus operator, and iteratively solved by a Gauss-Seidel type algorithm. Dynamic deformation uses corotational global formulation to obtain the Delassus operator in which the mass and stiffness ratio are dissociated from the simulation time step. This last point is crucial to keep stable haptic feedback. This global approach has been packaged, implemented, and tested. Stable and realistic 6D haptic feedback is demonstrated through a clipping task experiment.  相似文献   

李欢  樊红  冯浩 《中国图象图形学报》2012,17(12):1548-1553
3D GIS最重要的特征之一就是虚拟现实表现,其本质是可视化技术与GIS数据库的整合,以满足各种应用如生态农业、灾害预测等方面的需求。以GIS数据库的环境数据和气象数据为基础,通过对雨雪的效果模拟,将GIS气象数据以实时的可视化形式逼真地表现出来。实验方法采用粒子系统,对单个点元赋予利用Photoshop制作的大面积纹理,这样采用的粒子数减少到普通粒子系统的十分之一,渲染速度为普通粒子系统的十倍以上,以较小的系统资源消耗达到了更加实时逼真的效果,对雪的动态堆积和雨水地面效果采用GPU加速3维渲染,原型系统同时能接受用户对实验环境如粒子纹理、雨雪量的设置。提出根据气象数据进行天气模拟的自适应策略,从而更加适应实际应用需要。  相似文献   

基于分形递归算法的树木真实感绘制   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
快速真实地模拟树在风中的摇曳一直是计算机图形学中的一个挑战性问题,作为自然场景的重要组成部分,树木的真实感模拟也得到人们的广泛重视.树木种类繁多,形态各异,复杂的结构使其无论在造形、存储还是在绘制上都存在着相当的困难.大多数园林设计软件很难构建模型参数可变的三维树.研究了一种简易的基于分形递归算法的建模方法,利用过程参数控制树的摇曳,使模型的真实感更强,变形计算更容易,得到了令人满意的实验效果.  相似文献   

Published online: 23 April 2002  相似文献   

简单快速实时R波检测算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前关于R波检测的算法有很多,但大多运算比较复杂且存在浮点运算,运算量比较大.使得这些算法不适合在那些不具在有浮点运算功能的MCU(microprocessorcontrol unit)上运行.提出一种简单快速实时R波检测算法,其绝大部分是加减运算,不但避免了浮点运算,而且还能滤除50Hz的工频干扰,基线漂移和低频高频干扰,同时还具有对心电信号进行差分并将R波波峰转换成正负极值对的功能.实验结果表明,所提出的R波检测算法具有较好的鲁棒性,能够较好地抑止或消除基线漂移、高频干扰等外部因素对R波检测产生的影响.  相似文献   


The ray marching method has become the most attractive method to provide realism in rendering the effects of light scattering in the participating media of numerous applications. This has attracted significant attention from scientific community. Up-sampling of ray marching method is suitable for rendering light shafts of realistic scenes, but suffers of consume a lot of time for rendering. Therefore, some encouraging outcomes have been achieved by using down-sampling of ray marching approach to accelerate rendered scenes. However, these methods are inherently prone to artifacts, aliasing and incorrect boundaries due to the reduced number of sample points along view rays. This research proposes a realistic real-time technique to generate soft light shafts by making use downsampling of ray marching in generating light shafts. The bilateral filtering is then applied to overcome all defects that caused by downsampling process to make a scene with smoothing transition while preserving on the edges. The contribution of this technique is to improve the boundaries of light shafts taking into account the effect of shadows. This technique allows obtaining soft marvelous light shafts, having a good performance and high quality. Thus, it is suitable for interactive applications.


Recently, there has been growing interest in compressed sensing (CS), the new theory that shows how a small set of linear measurements can be used to reconstruct a signal if it is sparse in a transform domain. Although CS has been applied to many problems in other fields, in computer graphics, it has only been used so far to accelerate the acquisition of light transport. In this paper, we propose a novel application of compressed sensing by using it to accelerate ray-traced rendering in a manner that exploits the sparsity of the final image in the wavelet basis. To do this, we raytrace only a subset of the pixel samples in the spatial domain and use a simple, greedy CS-based algorithm to estimate the wavelet transform of the image during rendering. Since the energy of the image is concentrated more compactly in the wavelet domain, less samples are required for a result of given quality than with conventional spatial-domain rendering. By taking the inverse wavelet transform of the result, we compute an accurate reconstruction of the desired final image. Our results show that our framework can achieve high-quality images with approximately 75 percent of the pixel samples using a nonadaptive sampling scheme. In addition, we also perform better than other algorithms that might be used to fill in the missing pixel data, such as interpolation or inpainting. Furthermore, since the algorithm works in image space, it is completely independent of scene complexity.  相似文献   

人脸建模与动画是计算机图形学中最富有挑战性的课题之一,可以广泛应用于计算机动画行业、游戏行业、远程会议、代理和化身等许多领域。根据MPEG-4关于人脸特征点的定义,利用一般人脸模型以及特定人的正面和侧面两幅照片,采用Dirichlet自由变形实现了从一般人脸模型到特定人脸模型的变形;再利用特定人的正面和侧面照片,采用纹理融合方法生成了真实感人脸。论文提出的真实感人脸技术具有方法简单、计算速度快、真实感强等优点。  相似文献   

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